Let’s Build It Together.

Aboriginal law services for individuals and businesses in British Columbia.

Why Us?

  • Before founding CedarBridge Law, our principal lawyer, Timothy Thielmann spent over a decade representing First Nations in a wide range of consultation and economic development initiatives. This background enables him to help our business clients form strong relationships and avoid pitfalls that may surprise other lawyers.

  • We know how frustrating it can be to send an email and hear nothing back for weeks. Or to find that the lawyer you hired has passed your file to a student you’ve never met. With us, you can count on prompt and professional communication.

  • Why pay for an entire law firm when what you need is an experienced lawyer? At CedarBridge Law, there are no partner’s bonuses, management committees, or downtown real estate to drive up legal costs. We use a home office, deploy the latest technology, and focus squarely on Aboriginal law issues within our expertise to maximize value to our business clients.